Sport Science

The Glasgow School of Sport is supported by Resilience in their pursuit of sporting excellence.

Resilience – sport science keeps our process of developing the sporting stars of the future at the School of Sport true, delivering the facts back to the schools coaching team, athletes and personal coaches.

Resilience have devised and developed our bespoke testing programme, that’s foundations are strongly built by working closely with Sport Specific and Strength & Conditioning Coaches.

Sport Science testing utilises evidence-based scientific protocols to test the underpinning physiology facets that facilitate best sporting performance. The objective data obtained from testing is then inputted into our bespoke reporting templates that breaks down the complex subject matters and data to a format that is easily understood by all parties, from coaches and athletes to parents.

Reports are then incorporated into the Glasgow School of Sports Coaches, support Staff and Athlete programmes helping develop performance strategies in all aspects from sport specific to strength and conditioning programmes to maximise the athlete’s potential.