2 September 2024

A message from our Chief Executive - our Colleague Feedback Survey 2024 is now open

A headshot of Susan Deighan, a person with curly red hair, wearing glasses, a green shirt and beaded wooden necklace

Dear colleagues

In recent months, we have been sharing how teams across Glasgow Life have been getting on with their 2023 Colleague Feedback Survey commitments.

Visit the Colleague Information section of our website, which is available to everyone on your personal device, to see our 'You Said, We Did' updates, showing how your feedback has resulted in actions and improvements across our charity.

You can also read how myself, and Jan Buchanan, Director of Finance and Corporate Services; Billy Garrett, Director of Culture, Tourism and Events; and Andrew Olney, Director of Libraries, Sport and Communities have progressed with the Leadership Team's 2023 survey commitments.

I want to thank you for the work you do to help the people of Glasgow and visitors to our city experience a great Glasgow life. And I am pleased to announce that our 2024 Colleague Feedback Survey is now open.

Our short, anonymous survey is made up of 30 questions, which you rate from one to five. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete. The questions are similar to last year's survey so that we can continue to measure any changes in sentiment year on year, and all responses will remain completely confidential.

Your opinion is really important and will help ensure Glasgow Life remains a great place to work so please let us know your thoughts by completing the survey here:


Our Colleague Feedback Survey will remain open until Monday 23 September 2024 and the feedback gathered will continue to inform the next steps for our charity.

Your line manager will support your participation and a printable version which can be completed offline is also available. Please speak to them if you need any help accessing our survey and I look forward to hearing your views.

Thank you.



Susan Deighan

Chief Executive