Celebrate Burns Night with Glasgow Life

Glasgow Life is hosting Burns Nights events to celebrate the life and legacy of Scotland's national bard, Robert Burns.
Among the fun activities you and your little ones can join in for free on Saturday 25 January are a Braw Bairns Scots language family day at The Mitchell Library (10.00am-4.30pm) and a Burns Family Crafternoon at Kelvin Hall (1.00-4.00pm).
The Braw Bairns session features a packed programme of free events, including traditional stories, songs and crafts for children of all ages. Activities on the day include a Scots version of Bookbug and Scottish craft-making.
Visit the event webpage for more information.
Kelvin Hall's Burns Family Crafternoon is celebrating Burns' birthday by showing participants how to make their own pom-pom haggis and get creative by creating a collage haggis picture.
You can drop into the National Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall any time between 1.00pm and 4.00pm on Saturday 25 January to take part in this activity. There is no need to book.