Colleague Feedback Survey 2023 results

Our annual Colleague Feedback Survey closed on Friday 13 October with 1034 colleagues taking the opportunity to have their voice heard.
You can read the final survey results for your team and all Service Areas on the intranet. Speak to your line manager if you do not have access to a Glasgow Life networked PC in your place of work.
What happens next?
The results are just the beginning. As with previous years, your managers will meet with their teams to discuss the results and agree three meaningful commitments for the year ahead. These should include things you would like to celebrate, things you would like to improve, and things you would like to start doing as a team. And please remember, everyone can be involved in agreeing these commitments, even if you didn't fill in the survey.
All teams should agree three meaningful commitments by Friday 26 January. These will then be shared through posters in your colleague break room, at team meetings, and on the intranet.
Should you have any questions about the Colleague Feedback Survey, or the results for your team, please speak to your line manager or Head of Service.