Colleague Feedback Survey 2023: You Said, We Did – Arts, Music and Cultural Venues
To celebrate...
There remains a high score in relation to customer service where 93% stated they regularly look for ways to serve customers better, and over 84% felt that they knew what they were expected to achieve in their role.
To improve...
53% of colleagues said they would like to feel more appreciated for the work you do. Through our new customer surveys, we will share positive customer feedback. We will continue to share the work that we undertake with the wider organisation through contributing to internal communications.
To start doing...
44% of you said you would like to be kept more informed about Glasgow Life's performance, plans and direction. We will communicate these matters to colleagues via a new seasonal update.
Our Colleague Feedback Survey 2024 is now open. Please take a couple of minutes to complete this short, anonymous survey here:
The survey will remain open until Monday 23 September 2024.