Message from our Chief Executive: Colleague Feedback Survey 2024

Dear colleagues
Our 2024 Colleague Feedback Survey closed on Monday 7 October and more of you than ever before took the opportunity this year to share your views about working for Glasgow Life.
Almost half of our workforce, some 1,135 colleagues, had their say and I would like to thank everyone who took the time to do so. As a result, our total response rate this year increased 6% on 2023 to 48%.
Your opinion really matters and the feedback gathered will help us to celebrate and improve what we do as well as inform the next steps for our charity.
Accessing your team’s survey results:
All your anonymous responses are currently being collated and we will share the results in early November.
As with previous years, managers will meet with their teams to discuss your results and agree three meaningful commitments for the year ahead. These should include things you would like to celebrate, things you would like to improve, and things you would like to start doing as a team. And please remember, everyone can be involved in agreeing these commitments, even if you didn’t fill in the survey.
We will issue more guidance on how to make the most of your survey results soon, but in the meantime I would again like to thank everyone who participated this year – with your support we will ensure Glasgow Life continues to be a great place to work.
Susan Deighan
Chief Executive