Performance Management Step 3: Full-year review - process and timelines for all colleagues

It is now time for all colleagues across Glasgow Life to complete Step 3 of our Performance Management process, the full-year review.
Please take note of the activities and reporting that will be required during the coming months.
Step 3: Full-year review (including setting objectives for 2024/25)
All colleagues should have met with their line managers during 2023 to agree individual objectives and discuss progress at their half-year review.
As we approach the end of the year, it is now time to review the achievements and progress you have made for the whole year and set new objectives for the year ahead at the full-year review. Over the last couple of months, all line managers have attended a session on our new Glasgow Life behavioural framework, which now replaces the competencies from a performance management perspective. Look out for more information on our behaviours framework shortly.
The full-year review should be completed by Friday 31 May 2024.
This will involve a discussion with your line manager to talk about how you're getting on and to make sure you feel supported in delivering your role. You will also be able to ask your line manager any questions you may have about Performance Management and your own development. During this discussion please chat about your career aspirations and the development actions that will support you in realising your potential.
Your line manager will contact you soon to arrange your full-year review discussion at a convenient time.
To remind yourself of the Performance Management process and what to expect at each stage, you can review our e-learning course on GOLD - search for 'Glasgow Life Performance Management'. GOLD courses are fully accessible outside of the workplace and on personal devices, to provide easy access for colleagues who may not have computer access as part of their role.
All supporting Performance Management documents can be found on the Human Resources pages of the intranet.
Performance Management 2024/25
The timescales for the new financial/performance year 2024/25 will be:
- Step 1: Setting of objectives - to be completed by 31 May 2024
- Step 2: Half-year review - to be completed by 30 November 2024
- Step 3: Full-year review (including setting objectives for 2025/26) - to be completed by 31 May 2025
Designated senior managers should continue to update the Performance Management workbooks for their areas on the Performance Management shared drive. This information will be collated and reported back to service areas throughout April and May 2024. The system for tracking the activity for Grade 1-3 colleagues will continue to be the responsibility of each service area.
If you have any queries, please contact the HR Business Partner for your service area.