November 2024
Bereavement, Grief & Loss

Our Glasgow Life My Wellbeing theme for November is a topic that affects us all and is still not widely spoken about openly due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter. We are looking to break down some of the barriers by providing some information on upcoming events in November, resources, sign-posting and support in the area of bereavement, grief and loss. We have added some additional support information to our Bereavement page within the My Mental Wellbeing area of our My Wellbeing colleague information.
We would also like to signpost you to some upcoming events in November that are taking place in some of our venues;
1st – 14th November – Essence of a Memory Exhibition
As part of this years’ To Absent Friends Festival The Mitchell Library will be displaying the Essence of a Memory exhibition.
All kinds of things evoke memories of people who've died, and many of them come with an interesting anecdote.
The 'To Absent Friends Essence of a Memory' competitions ran over 2014 – 2016. It challenged people to take a photo and write up to 50 words which together evoke a story or memory of a dead loved one.
This exhibition shows the winning images from 2014 and 2015. They will be displayed in The Mitchell Library as part of the To Absent Friends festival from 1st – 14th November 2024.
5th November 2024 – Author Event – Rodge Glass
We welcome Rodge Glass to the Mitchell Library on Tuesday 5th November to discuss his memoir Joshua in the Sky.
Rodge's nephew Joshua died the same day he was born, from a blood condition they both share. This book charts the five years around Joshua's life and death to tell the story of Rodge's attempts to make sense of this loss. Having spent a lifetime using reading and writing to both hide from and face the world, Joshua in the Sky serves as a kind of reckoning, asking the questions: whose life deserves to be remembered? And how?
7th November – Death Café
A Death Cafe is a safe, confidential and friendly space for people to come together and talk openly and honestly about death, dying, and making the most of our finite lives. Small groups sit around a table and conversation flows without agenda or direction. The conversation is led by the people in the group, and therefore, each session is unique.
9th November – Part of Wee Write Family Day – Author session - Helen Kellock
Out to Sea follows the journey of a young girl named Lara who is so sad after the death of her grandmother that she is carried out to sea on a flood of her own tears. When it seems like sadness has overwhelmed her entirely, she discovers a pearl at the bottom of the ocean that triggers memories of the many happy times Lara shared with her grandmother. With the pearl safely at her side, Lara realises that she is not alone and finds the strength to pick up her oars and row herself back home.