Cycle to work

Workplace bikes can save you money on the retail cost of a new bike.  ​

The lease scheme helps you:

  • ​Save money on travelling costs
  • Improve your health and fitness
  • Reduce carbon emissions
  • Protect and preserve the environment.

Savings are through tax and national insurance, providing between 30% to 40% savings over the retail cost of a new bike. Halfords also provide a further 5% off the recommended retail price.   Halfords can help source any bike up to a value of £1,500 through their own stores and an extensive network of independent bike stores.

To take part you must ensure that you meet certain conditions:

  • You must be paying PAYE tax.​
  • Deductions made through salary sacrifice should not take your wage to  below the national minimum wage.
  • You must have a contract with Glasgow Life  that does not end during the hire period.  The hire period is 18 months.
  • Registering is a legally binding agreement. You are agreeing to cycle for a minimum of 50% of your commute. Failure to do so could be breach of contract rendering deduction not eligible for tax and NI relief.
  • During the lease period the cycle remains the property of Glasgow Life.
  • It is the end users responsibility to ensure the cycle is covered via their insurance policy.

Typically an application will take 10 working days from point of electronically signing the online form.

To register for this Cycle to work scheme, please visit and enter the access code in the box provided. 

Access code - S196242G

If you have any queries regarding the scheme, please contact Wider Plan customer services department on 0800 612 7110 or alternatively contact them via this email

Please ensure that you select Glasgow Life and not Glasgow City Council.