Glasgow Life venues not yet scheduled for reopening – update May 2021
Glasgow Life venues not yet scheduled for reopening – update May 2021
20 May 2021
The global Covid-19 pandemic has forced significant changes to how Glasgow Life operates. It has affected our ability to open venues and run the services, events and experiences we are proud of delivering for the people of Glasgow and visitors to the city.
We know how much people value our services and we are working hard to maximise the funding available to us and to reopen venues wherever possible.
The link below provides details on the venues for which we are currently exploring future options. This includes opportunities for alternative service provision and for communities to become more involved in running them.
Glasgow City Council passed a motion on 13 May 2021 resolving that “all Glasgow Life venues should re-open as soon as funding and Scottish Government guidance allows.”
Our ability to open more venues is entirely dependent on more funding becoming available. However, given the current climate, it's unrealistic to expect that we can raise significant additional income this year that will support the reopening of venues beyond the 90 we have already announced.
Should more funding become available, we will discuss future reopening plans with Glasgow City Council, local communities and our stakeholders.
Click here for information on Glasgow Life venues not yet scheduled for reopening.