Toilet provision at Tramway
Toilet provision at Tramway
5 July 2019
The inclusion of gender neutral toilets as part of the mixed toilet provision within Tramway is to remain in place following audience feedback and the completion of an Equality Impact Assessment.
Tramway provides four accessible toilets, two sets of male and two sets of female toilets as well as two sets of gender neutral toilets, in order to provide a range of toilet facilities for all Tramway customers. Following a pilot programme and audience comments, a full Equality Impact Assessment has been produced and customer feedback on the gender neutral toilet provision has been overwhelmingly positive. Taking account of comments made, we will improve signage within the venue so that customers can choose which toilet facility best suits their needs.
Tramway offers inclusive services and supports all people to be able to use a toilet of their choice without stress, fear or anxiety.
The Equality Impact Assessment can be found here.