Child-friendly Complaints Handling

Specific Privacy Notice

Glasgow Life looks after your information to help provide services or activities for you. This privacy notice explains what we do with your personal information.

Last updated May 2024

You have chosen to make a complaint. We must collect and use the information you provide on the complaint form to handle your complaint. This will involve using your personal data.

Glasgow Life is a charitable organisation. We help run sports, cultural and learning activities for anyone in Glasgow.

We will only collect your personal data when needed to help us do our job and follow Data Protection laws. The main reason we need to use your personal data is to know who you are and to fix your problem.

When you make a complaint, we may also need to contact you if you are happy for us to do so. We may also use it to contact your chosen responsible adult if we need:

  • their permission/involvement; or
  • more information from them; or
  • to provide you and/or your responsible adult with a response

When you make a complaint, we collect:

  • your personal data: name, address, phone number, and if you are under 18
    personal data about your chosen responsible adult: name, phone number, email address
  • the details of the complaint, sometimes this includes information about other people you might mention
  • the details of our staff who will look into your complaint
  • the outcomes of our meeting with you about your complaint

If you have given us details for a chosen responsible adult who will help you, please check they are happy for us to have their information. They can contact us if they want to know more. You don’t have to ask permission if your complaint is about someone else.

Glasgow Life needs to have a reason for collecting and using your personal data. When you are making a complaint, these reasons include:

  • Public Task - Glasgow Life needs your personal data so it can handle complaints that you or others make. This is carrying out a task in the public interest; or

  • Legal Obligation – Glasgow Life may need to share your complaint with other parties. We may have to do this when Glasgow Life is legally obligated to share your complaint.

Sometimes, to do our work, we have to share your personal data; sometimes this is with your permission, or other people might share it with us. We will share your information if the law says we must or unless it is necessary to safeguard your or another's wellbeing. We are careful about how we do this and will follow the law. Some public bodies we share data with may include the Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman (SPSO) and Police Scotland.

We only keep it if we need to. You can ask us how long we keep different types of information, or you can see:

Yes. You have what we call 'your rights' when we use your data. One of these is the right to know what we do with it. This privacy notice does this for you.

You can ask us to tell you what personal data we have about you, or you can tell us to stop using it or delete it. You can tell us if your personal data is wrong, and we will fix it.

Your rights depend on what we use your data for. There is more information available in our privacy statement on our website.

We have a Data Protection Officer. Their job is to help us make sure we collect and use your personal information correctly. They will check we are following the rules (of law). If something is wrong, they tell us how we can fix it. You can contact them if you have any questions or concerns about how we use your personal information.

There is also another person who can correct what we do. This person is called the 'Information Commissioner', and they have powers to enforce the rules. They sometimes get involved when something is seriously wrong with your rights. You can contact them if you are not happy with how we handle your personal information, or if you think we are not respecting your rights or following the rules of law.

Let us know if you're worried or unhappy with how we use your information or if you want to use your rights. We want you to feel your information is safe with Glasgow Life. If there is something we can help with now, please speak to a member of our team. We are always happy to help.

Alternatively, you can fill out a comment card at a venue and either post it in the mailbox at reception or send it to Freepost RTAB-EBBR-UTKG, Glasgow Life, Commonwealth House, 38 Albion Street, Glasgow G1 1LH (you do not need a stamp). You can also phone 0141 287 8977 or use the online form on our website:

We aim to directly resolve all data protection complaints about how we handle personal information. You can contact our Data Protection Officer by email:

However, you also have the right to make a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Details about the ICO can be found on their website at or on our website at

Comments and Complaints Privacy Notice

We also have a standard version of our comments and complaints privacy notice.

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