
Lauren Greig

The overall aim to give our athletes the platform to become the best athlete and person they can be. The route to this is to build gradually on the core fundamentals developed through our S1 / 2 programmes.
In this initial two year block we look to develop the fundamental movement, athletic, conditioning and mobility skills necessary to become a top class athlete.

This initial patient approach allows us to focus in in the later years on event selection and specialisation. Athletes in S3-6 begin to learn the training and lifestyle skills necessary to be successful. Throughout their journey our athletes are exposed to an appropriate level of competition whether that is local, national or international opportunities.

At this later stage we introduce individual training programmes both in Strength and conditioning and athletics specific training sessions. We develop all our athletes at the rate most beneficial to them as individuals.

Ultimately we want our athletes to graduate at the end of six successful years into a positive destination both academically and athletically. This could be into further or higher education or indeed as many have into sports scholarships in the UK or the United States.