Your Pay Award for 2024 to 2025

In early August, following a meeting of Scotland’s Council Leaders, COSLA (the umbrella body that represents Scottish councils and trade unions) made an increased formal pay offer to the Scottish Joint Council (SJC) trade unions for all council employees.
Although Glasgow Life is not part of COSLA, or the pay negotiations, we do follow and adopt the same pay awards as Glasgow City Council. This offer to the trade unions therefore also applies to Glasgow Life colleagues.
Last week it was agreed by Council Leaders to implement the revised SJC pay offer made on 9 August 2024 for local government employees. Following this, Glasgow Life will implement this pay award, along with backdated pay to 1 April 2024, and payment is planned for 12 November 2024.
It is for an increase of £0.67p in the hourly rate or 3.6%, whichever is higher, for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.
Please be aware that whilst this revised pay offer is being implemented, COSLA are continuing to seek collective agreement from all Trade Unions. We will continue to keep you informed if there are further updates from these discussions.
What this means for you:
- Pay levels in each grade have increased and we will publish Glasgow Life’s latest pay table on the colleague information pages of our website soon.
- For staff in receipt of Non-standard Working Pattern and Work Context and Demand payments, these will be increased by 3.6%.
- The pay award is calculated based on work patterns and will be pro-rated for part-time employees.
Staff in receipt of Universal Credit – check your claim:
- You need to be aware that this backdated pay could affect your payments. The amount you get could change if your take-home pay changes.
- These benefits are calculated on your personal circumstances. Because of this we, as your employer, do not know how, or if, you may be affected. The backdated payment may mean you will either receive less credit than normal, or you may even earn too much to qualify, and your claim will close.
- Check your claim status. If your claim closes, you will get a message telling you about this.
- You can get independent help and advice about Universal Credit from Advice First on freephone 0800 328 5644.
- You can also visit
- Financial information and support including grants, benefits and advice is available from the Scottish Government cost of living support website at
- Further information and support can also be found on Glasgow Life’s My Wellbeing pages at
- If you need to chat in confidence about any financial issues you may be experiencing you can also contact PAM Assist, our Employee Assistance Provider. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on freephone 0800 247 1100 or email / More details are available on the colleague information pages of our website here: