Mitchell Library

Beth Frieden - Acair san talamh / Anchor in the Land

Beth Frieden - Acair san talamh / Anchor in the Land
£6.72 (£6 ticket charge plus £0.72 booking fee)
Dates and times
Saturday 27th May 2023
Adult, Over 14s only. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.

Acair san talamh / Anchor in the land le Beth Frieden

Seo a’ chiad leabhran bhàrdachd le Beth Frieden (a bhuannaich Duais nan Sgrìobhadairean Ùra 2021), agus a’ chiad leabhar foillsichte le Stewed Rhubarb anns a bheil Gàidhlig. Tha Beth à Aimeireaga bho thùs, is tha na dàin aice a siubhail thar chuantan, a’ toirt iomradh air a bhith ag imrich, air teaghlach, is air nàdar, le iongnadh is gàire.

Bho coilltean Shasainn Nuaidh gu teanamantan Ghlaschu, tha bàrdachd Beth ceangailte ris an dachaigh, a bhith na màthair, agus a sireadh àite ris a bheil i a’ buntainn. Tha i gar toirt air turas tro phoiliteags, cànain is tìr leis an leabhran dà-chànanach seo.

Tha Beth na bàrd, cleasaiche, is na màthair. Chaidh a togail anns na Stàitean Aonaichte agus rinn i imrich a dh’Alba ann an 2008, far an do dh’ionnsaich i Gàidhlig. Tha i a’ sgrìobhadh anns a’ Ghàidhlig is sa Bheurla a-nis, agus choisin i Duais nan Sgrìobhadairean Ùra bho Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba, ann an co-bhann le Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, ann an 2021 airson a cuid bhàrdachd Gàidhlig.


In Acair san talamh / Anchor in the land, Beth Frieden’s debut pamphlet of poems moves back and forth across the Atlantic to explore family and nature with humour and curiosity.  Written in Scottish Gaelic and English by an American immigrant to Scotland, these are poems that thrill in the wild and the intimate.


From the forests of New England to the tenements of Glasgow, these are intensely felt and finely honed poems of adventure, motherhood, dislocation and relocation; alive to the personal, political and linguistic questions that our homes ask of us.


Beth Frieden is a poet and an actress, and a mother. She grew up in the US and moved to Scotland in 2008, where she learned Gaelic. She writes in both English and Gaelic now, and received a New Scottish Writers Award in 2021 from the Scottish Book Trust, in association with the Gaelic Books Council.

'S e tachartas dà-chànanach a bhios seo, le leughaidhean sa Ghàidhlig agus sa Bheurla. This will be a bilingual event, with readings in both Gaelic and English.

Chaired by Meg Bateman

Dispatch Charges

E-tickets - Free of charge
Fulfilment Fee - £1.95

Transaction Charges apply as follows

Online up to £1.50
Phone up to £1.75
Counter/ In Person: Free

Tickets Booking Line:
0141 353 8000.
Lines open Monday-Saturday 09:00-17:00 (excluding Bank Holidays). Please check opening hours over any Bank Holiday period.

To view the full Ticket Purchase Policy please click here

Restoration fund

From 1 September 2024, for any new events going on sale at our Concert Halls venues (Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, City Halls and Old Fruitmarket and Kelvingrove Bandstand), a new Restoration Fund of £1.50 per ticket may be added at checkout. To view the full Restoration Fund T&Cs please click here


Accessibility guides

Read the accessibility guide for The Mitchell Library on AccessAble

Read our autism-friendly guide to the Mitchell Library

We also have a supply of books in Braille, large print and audio.

Accessible toilets

This accessible toilet is approximately 26m (28yd 1ft) from the main entrance. This accessible toilet is located to the rear right as you enter.

Assistance dogs

Guide and assistance dogs are welcome and a bowl of water can be provided. 

Hearing loop

There is a fixed loop hearing assistance system.

This venue does not play background music.

Wheelchair access

There is a wheelchair to borrow. To borrow the wheelchair, please contact a member of staff.

Motorised scooters are allowed in public parts of the venue.

Baby changing

Baby feeding

Cafe or restaurant

The Café is open Monday to Saturday 9am to 4.15pm.

Click here to see the Café menu 


Please note that there is on-street parking surrounding The Mitchell Library. This is metered from 8am-6pm. Monday to Friday. As this is a local residential area, please use these spaces considerately. Alternatively, there is a NCP Car Park on India Street next to Charing Cross Train Station which is a 2 minute walk away. 

Photography and video recording

On occasion, Glasgow Life will be on the premises to film and take photos. 

Study spaces

Study spaces can be booked by calling 0141 287 7655. Click here for further information.

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We provide free WIFI access and further access to over 50 PCs for public use

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