Glasgow Libraries

Bounce and Rhyme

Bounce and Rhyme
Dates and times
27th Feb 2017 - 28th Dec 2018
Check venue opening times
Pre-5, Family

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A fun activity for parents, carers and children 3 or under with action songs, rhymes and stories that help children’s literacy and numeracy and are a great way for parents and carers to brush up on their nursery rhymes!

Why Is It Important?

Bounce and Rhyme provides a FUN opportunity for parents, carers and children to:

  • sing

  • read

  • talk together

helping to improve literacy and numeracy skills in their pre-school and school years.

As you read, sing and repeat rhymes and share stories with your children you are not only having fun but your are helping your child to increase their vocabulary and develop skills and knowledge which can improve speech, language and communication skills.​

Please check individual libraries for opening times.

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