Greenfield Football Centre

Là Mòr na Camanachd / The Big Day of Shinty: Greenfield

Là Mòr na Camanachd / The Big Day of Shinty: Greenfield
Free - no ticket required
Dates and times
5th Aug 2018
11:00AM - 3:00PM
All ages

Gàidhlig, ’s e gèam luath, clis agus sgileil a th’ ann, le seallaidhean air leth dhan luchd-amhairc – feumaidh duine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh ann an spòrs seo fhaicinn dhaibh fhèin. Tha cothroman ann tighinn agus fheuchainn dhuibh fhèin, bidh gèam cùpa Glaschu 2018 sònraichte ann, taisbeanaidhean bho na cluicheadairean as fheàrr ann an Alba agus cèilidh comharrachaidh.

Intrinsically linked to Gaelic Culture and folklore, Shinty is fast, frantic and skilful, giving an unrivalled spectator experience ‑ a must see for any sports fan. Experience come & try sessions, a one-off shinty tournament with Scotland’s best players, demonstrations and a celebratory ceilidh.

11am - 12:30pm
Come and Try the exciting game of Shinty, all welcome

1pm - 3pm
A unique, one off special shinty tournament with over 80 top-class players – quick, fast action sport

The fun continues at GO LIVE! at the Green.

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