Elder Park Library

Knitting Group

Knitting Group
Dates and times
Every week on Friday from 23rd Aug 2019 until 19th Mar 2020
1:30PM - 3:00PM
All ages

New knitting group in the lovely Elder Park Library. Bring your own knitting or help us knit a christmas tree, knit charity blankets or get into yarn-bombing. Coffee and tea will be available. 

Accessibility guides

Read the accessibility guide for Elder Park Library on AccessAble

Accessible toilets

The accessible toilet is approximately 30m (32yd 2ft) from the accessible entrance. The accessible toilet is located in the foyer.

Assistance dogs

Assistance dogs are welcome. We can provide a bowl of water for an assistance dog. 

Hearing loop

There is a portable loop hearing assistance system.

Wheelchair access

Baby changing

Baby feeding


This library DOES NOT have it's own car parking access. The space at the front of the building is for deliveries and accessibility only. There is on street car parking on the road of the library.

Photography and video recording

On occasion, Glasgow Life will be on the premises to film and take photos.

Study spaces

Free wifi

Location Map

Michelle Paver

This is a hugely enjoyable ghost story, atmospheric and chilling. It is a story about an attempt in 1935 by five Englishmen to climb Kangchenjunga, a Himalyan mountain more deadly than Everest. A rucksack belonging to a dead mountaineer appears to follow them. Is it an optical illusion? Is someone menacing the group? The ice ‘creaking and groaning’ are vividly described. This is a ghost story to chill and thrill, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Dark Matter by the same author is also excellent.

Karyl, Elder Park Library.

The library was gifted to Govan by Mrs Isabella Elder and opened by Andrew Carnegie in 1903.

Mrs Elder donated £10,000 to meet the cost of building, insisting that the library must open on Sundays.

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