Glasgow CLD Strategic Partnership

Download the Community Learning and Development Plan

Glasgow Community Learning and Development Strategic Partnership, known as GCLDSP is the multi-agency group responsible for creating the city’s Community Learning & Development Plan and ensuring that it is implemented.

Glasgow Life is the designated lead organisation and chairs the CLD partnership.

The GCLDSP benefits from a wide range of strategic partners who are committed to the development of high quality CLD in the city including: Glasgow Life, Glasgow City Council (Community Planning, including Community Justice Glasgow, Education and Social Work), Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector, Glasgow Colleges, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership, Glasgow Housing Association, Jobs and Business Glasgow, Skills Development Scotland, Wheatley Group, Volunteer Glasgow and the Workers’ Educational Association. The GCLDSP has an established terms of reference with CLD outcomes and meets quarterly to oversee the planning and development of CLD across sectors and partners in the city.


All about us...

This is the city’s three year plan for Community Learning and Development. Our priorities are aligned to Glasgow City Plan priorities of Economic Growth, Resilient Communities and a Fairer More Equal Glasgow.

This is delivered through the following CLD themes: Community Based Adult Learning, Working with Young People, Children & Families, Community Development and Digital Participation and Inclusion.

View the plan.

View Glasgow CLD Action Plan 2021-22 

View Glasgow CLD Plan 2021-24 Pocket Guide

Glasgow CLD Action Plan 2022-2024

Development Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024: Introductory Briefing

Development Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024: Introductory Briefing


Supporting documents to the CLD Plan 2021-2024

Appendix 1: Governance Statement 2021-24 

Appendix 2: Planned Unmet Need in Glasgow

Appendix 3: Statutory Requirements for Community Learning Development

Appendix 4: Glasgow’s Learning Promise to Learners

Appendix 5: Glasgow’s Learning Partner Commitment

Appendix 6: Ethos Driving the CLD Plan

Appendix 7: Our CLD Partners

Appendix 8: Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)


Glasgow Community Learning and Development Strategic Partnership is a multi-agency organisation that works across Glasgow City Council, NHS Greater Glasgow, Colleges and Third Sector organisations.

The partnership has five sub-groups:

  • Governance

  • Data & Performance

  • Communications

  • Adult Learning

  • Citywide Youth Partnership

A function of the GCLDSP is to ensure that Community Learning & Development is meeting the city’s priorities and that we can evidence the positive impact this has on people’s lives.

Glasgow CLD Action Plan Summary Progress Report (September 2022)