Photography, filming and sketching:

We hope you enjoy your visit.
Glasgow Life Museums and the city’s collections aim to be a source of enjoyment, debate and inspiration, and you are welcome to photograph, film and sketch onsite.
We respect the copyright rights of artists and their estates and we ask you to do the same.
Due to copyright and loan restrictions, photographing, filming and sketching of some objects, displays or exhibitions may not be permitted. Where this is the case, clear signage will be displayed.
Please never touch objects, plinths or cases.
Filming and taking photographs
You are welcome to photograph and film yourself, your family and friends, for personal use only, using a hand-held camera or phone.
Equipment such as selfie sticks, tripods, monopods, gimbals and lighting is not allowed.
We encourage you to share your experience of your visit on social media as long as it is for private, non-commercial purposes. Non-commercial means that it is not for commercial advantage.
For example, you may not post images and film taken at our museums:
• to promote brands or businesses
• to create photographic works that you intend to sell
• in revenue-generating posts such as branded advertising, paid-for affiliating links or monetised social media accounts
• on a website to attract business or sales
Recording to create a podcast requires advance permission – please contact or phone (+44) (0)141 276 9539.
Members of our team may approach you and ask about the purpose of your photography or filming. Glasgow Life Museums reserves the right to request you stop your activities if they are found to be in breach of our terms and conditions.
- We have stools in most galleries that you can borrow, please ask one of our team.
- You are welcome to sketch and draw with graphite and coloured pencils or white chalks. Please do not use charcoal, crayons, coloured chalks, watercolours, spray paints, adhesives, fixatives and other wet materials as they may be a risk to our collections and to other visitors. Please do not use scissors or sharps.
- You can use standard torches for viewing objects for up to 30 seconds each time, but we ask that you do not use UV torches which can harm the objects.
- Equipment such as an easel is not allowed.
Images you create
If taking photographs, filming or making sketches we ask that:
- You credit the artist and/or copyright holder for any in-copyright works featured in your photographs, films or sketches.
- You are considerate of other visitors and our team. Please only photograph or film people, including our staff, with their consent. Please do not photograph or film children or young people outside of your own group – this includes school groups.
Sharing on social media
We encourage you to share your personal experience of your visit, including publishing images on social media. Please follow these guidelines if you do.
If you do share images and film online, please mention us as the source of collection/subject of image and credit the artist/creator of the artwork.
Remember that you are responsible for making sure that any use you and others make of images or film on those platforms is consistent with the terms and conditions set out here.
By entering our venues, you are considered to have accepted these guidelines as a condition of entry. If you are unwilling to accept these terms and conditions you must not photograph, film or sketch when you visit us.
Filming or photographing in the museums' stores
You will be asked to complete a form before taking photographs in our stores.
This is because you are accessing areas where there may be objects in copyright, subject to cultural considerations, or sensitive materials.
Our team will advise you on what may be photographed during your visit.
Further guidance
Glasgow Life Museums collection is a Recognised Collection of National Significance to Scotland. Our extensive collection provides invaluable information for people wishing to undertake research in Art and Design, Human History, Natural History or Transport and Technology.
The research facilities are open to all, from school children undertaking assignments through to postgraduate students completing dissertations to professional researchers and anyone who just has a general interest.
Find out more about booking a research visit here
A form to request permission to photograph, film or sketch in Glasgow Life Museums’ venues for research purposes will be sent to you when you book your appointment, and must be completed before undertaking any photography, filming or sketching.
To make a more general enquiry about the collection, please email
Filming and sound recording
We welcome enquiries from television and film companies, commercial photographers, podcasters and sound recordists to use Glasgow Life Museums venues
Please contact or phone (+44) (0)141 276 9539.
Commercial photography requests should be addressed to the Photo Library. Please email:, phone: (+44) (0)141 276 9477.
To request access to any museum for news broadcast filming or photography, please email
For enquiries about using images of objects from Glasgow Life Museums' collection, for example, in publications, TV programmes, or on products please visit our Photo Library or email
Our price list for licensing can be found on the Photo Library website here
To buy prints or digital images of objects in our collection, visit our Photo Library
A selection of prints is also available online at the Glasgow Life Shop
Our price list for custom prints may be found here
Breaching these guidelines
If we discover that you have breached these terms and conditions we reserve the right to take appropriate action to limit further use and/or to seek financial recompense from you and to deny you entry to Glasgow Life Museums in the future.
Data Protection
We will keep a record of any information you provide about yourself for data protection and security enforcement purposes and, except for such purposes, will not provide that information to any third party and will otherwise comply with all applicable laws (including the Data Protection Act 2018).
You can find out more about Glasgow Life's privacy policy here: