Resilience is being able to transform challenging experiences into learning opportunities. Resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have. Each time you live through adversity, you learn something new about yourself and are more prepared for the next challenge you will face.

You can learn to become resilient by paying attention to what is happening in your life and learning new skills and habits to help you cope with stress and challenges but just because you learn resilience doesn't mean you won't feel stressed or anxious. You might have times when you aren't happy - and that's OK. Resilience is a journey, and each person will take his or her own time along the way.
Being resilient doesn’t protect you from pain and suffering, but it can provide you better ways to respond so that you are able to face, overcome and be transformed from adversity.
Glasgow Life GOLD Training
Balancing work and social lives
Glasgow Life is committed to meet the needs of our diverse workforce by enabling them to combine their working life with their social, health, family, caring and other responsibilities. That is why we have a range of modern flexible working options available. Flexible working, in terms of working time, location or the pattern of working, can support healthier and more productive ways of working for all staff.
Work Life Balance is about introducing flexible working practices so that all employees, can find practical arrangements that allow them to balance and combine their working life and other responsibilities or aspirations.