The Burrell Collection

Introducing European Embroideries - book launch and talk.

Introducing European Embroideries - book launch and talk.
Dates and times
25th Apr 2024
2:00PM - 4:00PM
All ages

Curator Rebecca Quinton will give a personal introduction to highlights of the European embroideries held by the Burrell Collection featured in her latest publication Introducing European Tapestries.

The Burrell Collection, Glasgow, holds more than 300 European embroideries, which date from the medieval period to the eighteenth century, with works from the seventeenth century being particularly well represented. The embroideries were made in professional workshops and also by skilled amateurs, sometimes as part of girls’ formal education. The collection is wide ranging and of international importance.

Introducing European Embroideries is an accessible exploration over 60 highlights from the collection, which gives an insight into their designs and themes, the techniques used to make them and the historical contexts in which they were created. 

Please meet for this talk at the Burrell Collection reception desk.

Accessible toilets

Wheelchair access

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