Pupils’ Seeds of Change Installation unveiled at Mitchell Library during COP26
Pupils’ Seeds of Change Installation unveiled at Mitchell Library during COP26
12 November 2021
Glasgow’s children and young people published their unique climate charter – Engage the World to Change the World – on the Youth and Public Empowerment theme day of COP26 last Friday (5 November) at a special event in the City Chambers.
The charter, the first of its kind that’s been shaped and influenced by pupils across Glasgow schools, and puts a duty of care on the council and citizens to actively improve the city to be kinder to the environment and importantly has children’s rights at the very heart of the document.”
It inspires all to become climate and carbon literate and empowers our children and young people to play an active role in the climate emergency.
During the charter engagement process with council officers, Amy, a Sacred Heart Primary pupil asked if their school could create a sculpture to raise awareness at COP26, as well as convey their message of the need to reduce, reuse and recycle waste in our schools.
Joining forces with artist, Peter McCaughey, from WAVEparticle a series of creative workshops has resulted in an amazing sculptural installation that will now take pride of place in the ‘Let’s Talk’ space at the Mitchell Library and unveiled on Thursday 11 November at 1.30pm.
Pupils from Sacred Heart Primary School in Bridgeton will be joined by Anderson, St Patrick and Gaelic primary school children as part of the celebrations.
During the school workshops, the pupils tested a number of prototypes using the plastic bottles they drink from during the school day and then collected hundreds of bottles to create the ‘Seeds of Change’ and have included a green ‘message in a bottle’ pledge and something they will do in their own lives to help the environment in each one.
Dr Emma Morton, Architect and Urban Designer, Glasgow City Council has been involved in this project from the beginning and is delighted that the public will now be able to see the sculpture in all its glory and said today:
I am delighted Seeds of Change is being showcased at COP26 – a truly inspiring collaboration between the children of Sacred Heart Primary and Peter McCaughey, Lead Artist and Director at Wave Particle.
The installation is a symbol of the pupils’ plight for a better future. The kids wanted to act, and to engage the world to change the world, through raising awareness of plastic consumption in their school.
The concept stemmed from the Glasgow Children and Young People’s Climate Charter, which creates a platform for the cities children’s voices to be heard and included in our city policy.”
Artist Peter McCaughey said:
Working with the pupils and teachers of Sacred Heart Primary School, especially Mrs Maureen McNeill and Ms Bushell and the brilliant P7’s, to create the artwork has been a wonderful experience. It’s been fantastic to see the pupils’ imagination and ideas, and just how committed they are to doing what they can to help tackle the climate emergency. The ambition has been to enshrine their Green Pledges, their promise to do what they can to protect the environment, at the heart of The Seeds of Change artwork.”
The Seeds of Change Sculpture will be on display at the Mitchell Library until the 27 November and will then move to the Glasgow Science Centre.
And in true reuse and recycle fashion, the Glasgow-based upcycling social enterprise company, Rags to Riches, will recycle the artwork to make a small sustainable memento for each Sacred Heart pupil and a reminder of their active role in tackling the climate emergency.